CIOR (Confédération Interalliée des Officiers de Réserve) is the Inter-allied Confederation of Reserve Officers. It consists of NATO member states and other participating nations with 34 countries in total, representing 1.3 million reservists. CIOR is the world’s largest military reserve officers’ organization. Web page: CIOR

CIOMR (Confédération Interalliée des Officers Médicaux de Réserve) brings together medical reservists from NATO member nations and works with the Committee of Chiefs of Military Medical Services in NATO (COMEDS). Web page: CIOMR

The largest annual meeting of these two organizations is jointly held each summer in a different country and is organized by a separate member of CIOR/CIOMR each year; in 2017, the Congress was held in Prague, Czech Republic, in 2018 Quebec, Canada and in 2019 Estonia will be hosting the congress in its capital of Tallinn and surrounding areas.

The CIOR/CIOMR committees will be held in the Radisson BLU Sky Hotel Tallinn, Rävala puiestee 3.


* In accordance to a decision of CIOR Council, a country based discount code is asked when purchasing a ticked to the event. Each CIOR member nation and partner organisation has its own discount code and it has been distributed to the national member organisations.